SoNiC'z UlTrUh-SoOpUr LyNx & StUf
(not recommended for younger readers, due to possible crude language or humor)
yo! sup foolz!?! :) this iz SONIC! an im lyke gonna sho u loozers thuh best shizzle on thu net! this stuf iz wayyyy bettr than thuh crap TAILS wuz tawkin bout!

this iz anuther one uv thoze sprytekomic thngs like WARPZONE! only WARPZONE iz bettr! a lot better! but this komic iz pritty kool too! BLACK MAGE iz my fayvrit kariktr cuz he alwayz be hittin on da ladiez! yeah! he da pimp babee!

OK now... lyke this komic... sumtheng iz rong wit thuh guy hoo maiks itt cuz he sez im gay! dood that iz so stoopid! MATT thnks this komic iz rilly funny but hes a moron. he got a lotta sprytes frum heer tho so if u want summa thoze then go heer.

this iz a site dun by MATTs frind CHIBI-TEAM-ROCKET nd i gess its pritty good. i dunno. its bout sum japeneez cartoon animay thng calld SHAMAN KING or sumtheng. i gess its cool if ur into that.

OK! OK! now weer gettng to thuh funnee stuf agin! :) this site has all theeze komics were MR. T fites lyke evrybuddy in thuh werld! LOL! thuh best one iz thuh one were he fites eggman!

this plaise iz even bettr cuz its got lyke evryone in thuh werld fyting eech uther! LOL!!! im still kinda mad that MARIO beet me in that one fite tho...

TWISTID KAIJOO THEETR iz rilly rilly funnee! its lyke a komic all bout theeze godzilluh toys an stuf! plus the kaijoo-gurlz section iz extra-kool! ;)

Ugh. You sicken me, Sonic...

hey! rite back atcha knux!

anuther sprytekomic bout all thoze nintindoe loozers hanging out in thuh bar. SAMUS iz kinda hot...

dood this site iz lyke flaigrant false advertyzing! itz calld X-ENTERTAINMINT but therez no dirty pics or nuthing! its a kool site anyway tho. itz all bout growing up in thuh 80s and STAR WARZ and stuf lyke that... :)

i think this iz were EGGMAN got that ALL YOR BAS joke frum. itz funnie i gess
this iz a storie MATT rote abowt POKIEMAN or whatever there calld. hehe. i lyke it cuz thuh peekachoo swers... hehehe...

"Tales from Planet Z" is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Tales from Planet Z" and all original concepts involved (such as "Welcome to Frackstonville," "Android Task Force," etc.) are all CMatt Garner.
(excepting, of course, satire series such as "WARPZONE: think within the cube" and "The Zelda Chronicles")