Knuckles speaks in a VERY strong Native American accent, but its kinda hard to tell in a comic...
Full Name: Coschocton "Knuckles" Firestone
Age: 25

Knuckles is one of the diligent warriors chosen to guard the Master Emerald, the most valued treasure of the Angel Island Echidnae. The Master Emerald contains magic so powerful that someone who were to use its energy would be able to rule the world!!! ... plus it keeps the Island afloat in the air, so I think the people living on it would be kinda' miffed if it were stolen.

Anyway, as for Knuckles, he's a very quiet, stoic, well-read sort; though he does tend to see humans as bumbling fools and can quickly become more than a little aloof about his "proud and noble" race. He is a master of martial arts, and has more strength in his small body than one could ever imagine.

Serious-minded and highly intelligent, Knuckles doesn't suffer fools well. As mentioned before, he quickly becomes frustrated at the stupidity of humans, and he utterly loathes Sonic. Knuckles tolerates Luigi and does his best to be an upstanding role model for Tails, considering what a poor excuse Sonic is. Knuckles wouldn't mind Daisy so much, in fact he is impressed by her tenacity, but he HATES how she treats him like some common mindless animal! It's SO infuriating! It's a good thing his patient and kind-hearted "close friend" Princess Tikal is around to keep Knuckles cool or he'd probably snap.

(Hey, you'd be stressed out too if you had his job!)

"Tales from Planet Z"  is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Tales from Planet Z" and all original concepts involved (such as "Welcome to Frackstonville," "Android Task Force," etc.) are all ©Matt Garner.
(excepting, of course, satire series such as "WARPZONE: think within the cube" and "The Zelda Chronicles")