67s victims rarely see his face, yet the image is a common sight in underground comics... go figure
Interviewer 67
Interviewer 67 is the main character of the comic series by the same name. He is an employee of BS&S Research: A phone survey company run by an evil, faceless organization wherein employees are known by their numbers rather than names (that is, if they even HAVE names... and they probably don't). A smart-mouthed, hyperactive little whatever (there's no telling what the people in "Interviewer 67" are), 67 becomes bored rather quickly with his monotonous job and has a bad habit of snapping at the survey targets he calls. Needless to say, 67 is a really awful employee, but then, he also has a really awful job.

"Tales from Planet Z"  is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Tales from Planet Z" and all original concepts involved (such as "Welcome to Frackstonville," "Android Task Force," etc.) are all ©Matt Garner.
(excepting, of course, satire series such as "WARPZONE: think within the cube" and "The Zelda Chronicles")