Shortest character. Largest profile image.
Full Name: Fenton Giovanizi
Age: 17
Class Rank(s): Loudmouth, "Ladies' Man"
Have you ever known one of those kinds of people who compensates for being short and stumpy by having a giant-sized ego? That would be Fenton. Originally from New Joisey (that's actually how it's spelled!), Fenton is a loud-mouthed little Italian greaseball* who is absolutely convinced that he's God's gift to women. The fact of the matter is that he's an obnoxious little twerp who's never even been kissed by a woman other than a family member.

Fenton's soul, by the way, is STRONGLY desired by the resident demons and monsters of Frackstonville (for reasons that are, more likely than not, none of our business), and it's a good thing that his friends are more alert of supernatural matters than he is or the little dope would be nothing more than an empty shell by now. Fenton hangs around Dale and the two of them get along rather well as Fenton enjoys the way Dale mimics him. (it makes him feel important)

"Tales from Planet Z"  is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Tales from Planet Z" and all original concepts involved (such as "Welcome to Frackstonville," "Android Task Force," etc.) are all ©Matt Garner.
(excepting, of course, satire series such as "WARPZONE: think within the cube" and "The Zelda Chronicles")
*I'm part Italian, so that lets me make mean jokes about them. So don't get mad at me.