And now for my favorite part of "Tales from Planet Z"!
Why is it my favorite part, you ask?
Because there are no pictures on this page, meaning I don't have to go insane fixing every last graphical error that my crappy HTML editor program springs up! Huzzah!
So, anyway, the point is you guys ask me questions and I answer them here. Or, if you really don't want to know the secrets of life, or you prefer to just pester me with the same questions day in and day out, you can click here and go home. So make yer choice!!!
Now let the questioning begin!
Q: Where did you learn to draw?
A: On Earth.
Heh, no, seriously. I am asked this question a lot and, to be honest, I didn't really go to any classes.
God has just blessed me with an artistic talent and I want to use it to honor Him and make you folks laugh every once in a while.
Q: So you're a Christian?
A: No, I'm an Atheist. Of course I'm a Christian!
Q: I don't get your sense of humor.
A: Sounds like a personal problem to me.
Q: Why don't you do a comic about a talking dog that travels through time?
A: Because it's not funny. Next?
Q: How can I learn to draw like you?
A: ... I really do not know why people ask me this. I would think most folks would aspire to draw as if they had some degree of talent. Anyway, don't ask me. If you like my style, imitate it. If not, don't imitate it.
Q: Do you mind if I copy your style?
A: *shrug* Not really. Plagiarism is what makes the cartoon world go 'round.
Q: What is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?
A: 42
Q: Howcome people in your comics have all those weird skin colors?
A: Because I'm color-blind. Never ask me that again. Under penalty of death.
No, really, it's because I just like making my cartoon worlds look very surreal. I just choose random skin-colors or whatever shade looks good. Plus, it's a quaint little homage to the diversity of God's creations... and I stole it from "Doug" and the Muppets.
Q: Is Norm supposed to be black?
A: *sighs and rolls his eyes* Again, random colors. Norm looked good with dark skin, so I went with it. I really couldn't care less what ethnic group my characters fit into and I don't see why I am asked this so often.
Q: Do you support inter-racial relationships or something?
A: Yes. You gotta' problem with that?
Q: Why do you act so paranoid?
Q: What is Interviewer 67 supposed to be?
A: I have no idea.
Q: What's the deal with Norm's hair?
A: It changes color.
Q: W hat are the names of the Seven Dwarves?
A: Happy, Dopey, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Bashful, and Doc...
Although they didn't have names in the original book.
Q: Were you sent here by the Devil?
A: ... no... who told you that? *shifts his eyes around*
"Tales from Planet Z"  is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
"Tales from Planet Z" and all original concepts involved (such as "Welcome to Frackstonville," "Android Task Force," etc.) are all ©Matt Garner.
"There is no such thing as 'too much faith.'" --Matt Garner